With the awareness of the heartbeat rising it will be time to relax, focus on the breath and begin to drink more water. Surrender to the process, allow yourself to find your breath, meditate and quiet the mind. Your heart rate will begin to rise for a couple of minutes and you will have a lot of sensation and some swelling (as it’s flushing the system out) in the throat and lymph nodes. You will feel a slight discomfort in your stomach while bile is ejected into your stomach, from the liver and gallbladder. Decades of toxins are collected, and soon the purging will begin helping to ease the discomfort.
The kambo purge is beneficial because it clears your body of toxins by encouraging sweating, vomiting, and defecation. But if you are bulimic, kambo could easily become part of your eating disorder if you regularly use it for purging.
a kambô treatment
There have been cases of liver toxicity, seizures, psychosis, and prolonged vomiting after kambo use (da Silva et al, 2019). The secretion is then applied to small burns on the skin, to allow it to enter the bloodstream. The effects are felt after a few minutes, and last up to an hour. Usually people will vomit or defecate within the first few minutes, and the nausea and disorientation will continue for some time afterwards.
Kambo Deaths
As Caitlin highlights, compared to other activities (and substances like alcohol) kambo has relatively low risk. It’s possible to administer kambo relatively safely, to make the most of its healing benefits. In the end, a safe facilitator has to be someone who is willing to answer your questions, and who you feel comfortable with.
The ability to focus on the delicate sensations of the Kambo working through the body is priceless and allows an enhanced awareness of the internal process. Read more about Hapé here. Often, something will come up in my conscious awareness; a thought, a person or a scenario and it will usually be accompanied by a negative emotional charge. Because I’m able to totally surrender I can allow this emotion to be felt fully and in this way it is fully internally processed before being purged out. That’s how I feel it’s supposed to work, much in the same way as other power medicines such as Ayahuasca has a cognitive and emotional component to the purging. A psychedelic therapist can help you center your bulimia as one of the main issues you want to concentrate on during the ceremony. They may help you prepare by setting healthy boundaries and deciding on an appropriate dose and frequency of application. After the ceremony, you may want to follow-up with your psychedelic therapist, especially if you had significant insights into your eating disorder.